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Аthor: Elizabeth H. Oakes
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Date of placement: 22.08.2012
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A scientist is a person who works in science. A scientist tries to understand how our world, or other things, work. Scientists are people who make observations, ask
The Encyclopedia of Life is an unprecedented effort to gather scientific knowledge about all animal and plant life where pictures, information, facts, and mo
scientist - definition of scientist by.
Giraffe - New World Encyclopedia Scientist - Wikipedia, the free.
World War I 1914-18, also known as the Great War, conflict, chiefly in Europe, among most of the great Western powers. It was the largest war the
Scientist - Simple English Wikipedia, the.
A scientist, in a broad sense, is one engaging in a systematic activity to acquire knowledge. In a more restricted sense, a scientist is an individual who uses the
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The 2012 phenomenon was a range of eschatological beliefs that cataclysmic or transformative events would occur around 21 December 2012. This date was regarded as the
2012 phenomenon - Wikipedia, the free.
sci·en·tist (s n-t st) n. A person having expert knowledge of one or more sciences, especially a natural or physical science. scientist [ˈsaɪəntɪst]
World History Encyclopedia
World War II Facts, information, pictures.
Encyclopedia of World Biography
Encyclopedia of World Scientists
World Encyclopedia
World War II 1939-45, worldwide conflict involving every major power in the world. The two sides were generally known as the Allies and the Axis