anion gap

anion gap
Anion gap - Wikipedia, the free.The anion gap is the difference in the measured cations (positively charged ions) and the measured anions (negatively charged ions) in serum, plasma, or urine. The
Anion Gap. The body strives to maintain electroneutrality at all times by keeping the concentrations of anions equivalent to cations in serum (or plasma).
Na (mmol/L )K (mmol/L ) Cl CO 2 (mmol/L ) (mmol/L ) ANION GAP Anion Gap = Na + K - Cl - C0 2 =

Anion Gap - Diseases & Conditions.
The search results are based on "anion gap" which was translated to null
anion gap
02.08.2012 · The anion gap is the difference between primary measured cations (sodium Na + and potassium K +) and the primary measured anions (chloride Cl-and
gap (gap) an unoccupied interval in time; an opening or hiatus. air-bone gap the lag between the audiographic curves for air- and bone-conducted stimuli, as an
anion gap - definition of anion gap in.

Anionenlücke Anion Gap: Low & High Levels.
MedCalc: Anion Gap
Anion gap = (Na + K) - (Cl + [HCO3-]) (all units mmol/L)
Renale Azidose
anion gap
Anion Gap - Diseases & Conditions.Hypochlorämische Alkalose .